
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

27-4-20 unit 7: READING page 76WB

Good morning Ha habido un poco de confusión con el LISTENING. Yo lo preparé el día 30 del 3, cuando creé el blog, lo hice para aprender a colgar audios y no lo publiqué, lo guardé en DRAFT.Por eso al publicarlo me salió colocado el día 30. SORRY. Ahí lo tenéis y ahí tenéis hoy las respuestas. También he publicado las respuestas de GRAMMAR para autocorrección. Yo tal como os dije registro en mi agenda todo lo que entregais y como lo entregais. Esta semana nos toca READING  and  SPEAKING Hoy publico el READING, tenéis hasta el jueves para entregarlo. y SPEAKING esta semana lo hareis con KEVIN (yo entraré a saludar).  Seguro que tras casi 7 semanas tenéis muchas cosas que contarle y preguntarle! Los horarios con KEVIN serán: Tuesday at 15:15   del 1 al 7 de la lista Wednesday at 15:15   del 17 al 26 Thursday  at 15          del 8 al 16 (un poco antes ya que luego tiene primária) UNIT 7: RE...

answers pg 74

ANSWERS page 74 SB and AB SB: 3,5 and 6 and WB: 1, 2 and 4

answers page 75: listening

these are the answers: listening from page 75WB

22-4-20 unit 7: GRAMMAR page 74

22-4-20                  unit 7 grammar: PASSIVE Good morning!!! No os pongo las respuestas del LISTENING como estaba previsto, os doy un par de días(hasta el viernes a las 9 am) ya que me faltan MUCHOS por recibir.   RECORDAD que lo que entreguéis y como lo entreguéis se valora para el tercer trimestre. Today we are going to do GRAMMAR from unit 7:   PASSIVE: TO BE CONJUGADO + PARTICIPIO  EX: is made, was painted, has been done, will be cooked, etc..... Utilizamos pasiva cuando el sujeto no es relevante, o queremos enfatizar el que paso, no el quien lo hizo. Se puede poner al final by+sujeto, pero no es obligatorio. un ejemplo en Spanish seria: Anna escribió el libro-------El libro fue escrito por Anna--- El libro fue publicado en 2010 (no hace falta poner : por Santillana). Queda claro? Pues a practicar! Now go to SB page 74. This is ex: 2 done for you to see how it works. Now you ...


Hello! I hope you had a wonderful Easter and you ate a delicious MONA. Now, let´s go back to work. Remember that you have the answers  page 73 (both books)...........Post 5-4-20 Today`s activity: SANT  JORDI  2020 For sure this one is going to be a different one, but we, your teachers, want to celebrate it anyway. That is why we ask you to write more than 80 and less than 250 words beginning  with: Once upon a time there was a planet called Earth..... Send your writing before Monday 20th to: cristina@residenciaarbos.com 


Today, Monday 6th of April I´m going to ask you to watch a movie and answer some question. You have a whole week to do it. So...HAPPY EASTER and remember to send me a picture with your answers before Monday 13th to: cristina@residenciaarbos.com questions 1- Did you learn anything from the movie? If you did, what was it? 2- What is the message of the movie? 3- Who was your favourite character and why? 4- If I ask you to change something in the plot, what would you change ? Explain your answer 5-What did you like best about the movie? 6- What is the relation between the title and the story? 7- What effect does the end want to provoque?

answers page 73AB

Hello again!                                                                                                            Monday 6-4-20 Here are the answers for page 73 AB: 6, 8, 9 and 10

1-4-20 Unit 7: VOCABULARY page 73

Good morning. Im very happy with class 4, because I got 20 answers with homework. good for you and keep it up!!!!!   Today we start unit 7  We are going to do the Vocabulary from page 73  Go to page 73 SB and look at exercice 9, copy the answers: do the same with  ex. 10 SB That  was easy! This one is from AB page 73 ex 7  I give you the answers to help you! you have to copy them in your book. Copy the answers and..... Now you work!   Go to AB page 73 and do exercises 6, 8, 9 and 10 then take a picture and   send it to my mail today: cristina@residenciaarbos.com good luck! Remember to send me an email with your homewok!!!!!