1-4-20 Unit 7: VOCABULARY page 73

Good morning. Im very happy with class 4, because I got 20 answers with homework.
good for you and keep it up!!!!!

 Today we start unit 7 
We are going to do the Vocabulary from page 73 

Go to page 73 SB and look at exercice 9, copy the answers:

do the same with  ex. 10 SB

That  was easy!
This one is from AB page 73 ex 7 
I give you the answers to help you! you have to copy them in your book.

Copy the answers and.....
Now you work! 
Go to AB page 73 and do exercises 6, 8, 9 and 10
then take a picture and  send it to my mail today: cristina@residenciaarbos.com

good luck!
Remember to send me an email with your homewok!!!!!


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